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For years, college administrators and board members have closely monitored tuition discount rates at their institutions. But they haven't always been comfortable with high and often-rising discount rates. Nor have they always had easy access to important context explaining why colleges and universities discount the way they do. Explore the trends and recent developments in tuition discounting, including potential strategies for campuses and best practices with Inside Higher Ed’s new special report, Cut Too Deep? Tuition Discounting at a Crossroads. The report and free preview were written by Rick Seltzer, senior business and management reporter at Inside Higher Ed.

This preview was made possible in part by the financial support of Transact. By submitting this form, you are agreeing to share your information with Inside Higher Ed and the sponsor for marketing purposes. Read our privacy policy.

This free PDF preview includes:

  • The report's Executive Summary
  • The report's Table of Contents
  • A special look at one alternative model where students could be matched with schools based on the price students are willing to pay.

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